Read more about the article New Community Career & Technical Institute Trained Cook Now Works at Extended Care
Stephanie Bere completed the Culinary Arts Specialist program at New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI) in 2021 and then began working as a cook at New Community Extended Care Facility.

New Community Career & Technical Institute Trained Cook Now Works at Extended Care

Stephanie Bere was studying business administration at Essex County College when she realized she didn’t want to work in that field. She has always loved cooking and decided to investigate…

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Read more about the article New Community Career & Technical Institute Culinary Arts Students to Focus on Businesses After Graduation
Shawnette Maxwell, left, and Zariyah Derrick, right, are students in the Culinary Arts Specialist program at New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI). Both have their own businesses selling food and plan to concentrate on growing those businesses after graduation.

New Community Career & Technical Institute Culinary Arts Students to Focus on Businesses After Graduation

Shawnette Maxwell and Zariyah Derrick both have a passion for cooking that they are hoping to turn into full-time careers. Both have started businesses where they sell their food and…

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Read more about the article NCCTI Graduate Now NCC Employee and Celebrity’s Personal Chef
Paula Moore graduated from the New Community Career & Technical Institute Culinary Arts Specialist program. She works as a cook at Extended Care and is a personal chef for a local celebrity.

NCCTI Graduate Now NCC Employee and Celebrity’s Personal Chef

Paula Moore is well on her way to a successful career in the culinary industry. She graduated from the Culinary Arts Specialist program at New Community Career & Technical Institute…

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