Read more about the article Essex County Wellness Respite Services Helps Those In Crisis At Better Life
Essex County Wellness Respite Services Program Manager Kenisha Bakayoko, Wellness Associate Melanie Nascimento and former guest Donald Williams, left to right, complete a puzzle, which is one of the activities respite guests participate in during their 10-day stay.

Essex County Wellness Respite Services Helps Those In Crisis At Better Life

Dealing with mental health issues like anxiety and depression or substance abuse issues can be overwhelming and even debilitating. For individuals in crisis, hospitalization has been the traditional course of…

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Read more about the article Better Life Open House Highlights Programs And Services
New Community CEO Richard Rohrman discussed the many years and entities involved in making sure Better Life became the facility it is today.

Better Life Open House Highlights Programs And Services

New Community Corporation and Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey (CSPNJ) hosted an open house at Better Life Nov. 15 to showcase the various programs and services offered to the…

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Read more about the article Credit Union Member Helps Others After Overcoming Struggles
Rev. Dr. Miles S. Callender, AAS, BSW, CSW, MSW, Ph.D., at the window of New Community Federal Credit Union with NCFCU Director Mulu Gebreyesus.

Credit Union Member Helps Others After Overcoming Struggles

Miles Callender has completed an impressive amount of education: two associate degrees, two bachelor’s degrees, two master’s degrees and a doctorate. He currently works at Bethel Counseling Services in Newark…

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