Read more about the article New Community Harmony House Director Uses Life Experience to Relate to Clients
Carrie Radice joined New Community as Director of Harmony House on April 1.

New Community Harmony House Director Uses Life Experience to Relate to Clients

Carrie Radice has a wealth of experience working with homeless individuals and in affordable housing. On April 1, she became the Director of Harmony House, New Community’s transitional housing facility…

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Read more about the article Better Life Engagement Center Helps Connect Homeless To Resources
Better Life Engagement Center Resource Specialist Adiba Saleem, left, has a meeting with Shahid Rashad, who is accessing services at the center and also volunteers his time to help with operations.

Better Life Engagement Center Helps Connect Homeless To Resources

Imagine being homeless, unable to find permanent housing and getting frustrated with each passing day. That was the life of cancer survivor Christopher Mitchell who moved to New Jersey in…

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