Read more about the article New Community Employee Benefits from Monsignor Linder Scholarship
New Community Director of Mission Frances Teabout, Gardens Senior Resident Services Coordinator Desiree Crespo, Crespo’s daughter Mia Lopez, Chief Financial Officer Elizabeth Mbakaya and Monsignor William Linder Scholarship Committee Member and Family Representative Jim Rohrman, left to right. Crespo and Lopez were presented with the Monsignor William Linder Scholarship on Dec. 19. Mbakaya serves as the committee chair and Teabout and Rohrman are committee members. Photo courtesy of Benjamin Galvez.

New Community Employee Benefits from Monsignor Linder Scholarship

The Monsignor William Linder Scholarship Committee awarded a $2,000 scholarship to Gardens Senior Resident Services Coordinator Desiree Crespo to pay for the education of her daughter, Mia Lopez. Lopez attends…

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Read more about the article New Community Resident Fills Apartment with His Artwork
John Aytch creates a variety of artwork, including landscapes and portraits. Here he poses with scenes from Weequahic Park and portraits, including former President Barack Obama.

New Community Resident Fills Apartment with His Artwork

John Aytch has had artistic talent for as long as he can remember. He calls it his natural ability and he hopes to be able to inspire a younger generation…

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Read more about the article Former CWEP Volunteers Are Now NCC Employees
Denise Felix, left, and Tracey Coleman, right, both volunteered at the Family Resource Success Center through the Community Work Experience Program (CWEP) before landing permanent positions with New Community.

Former CWEP Volunteers Are Now NCC Employees

New Community provides volunteer opportunities for individuals in the Community Work Experience Program (CWEP), which is a core work requirement for public assistance in the state of New Jersey. Two…

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Read more about the article New Community Seniors Enjoy Renovated Apartments
Livingstone Allen shows off the new kitchen in his apartment at Commons Senior, one of four senior buildings to undergo renovations.

New Community Seniors Enjoy Renovated Apartments

Residents living in four New Community senior buildings can now enjoy their newly renovated apartments. Rehab work is complete on units in Commons Senior, Douglas Homes, Gardens Senior and Roseville…

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